Course Info:

Course Information Details
Tutor Kyle Atkins
Type Face to Face
Total Lesson Hours 24
Level B2+

Course Outline, Outcomes and Timetable:

Time Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Objective: Get to know participants, introduce the course goals, and encourage professional networking. FORMAL WRITING Objective: Focus on drafting clear, formal documents for standardisation purposes (reports, proposals). NEGOTIATION SKILLS (1):
Objective: Participants practice negotiation scenarios common in trade union discussions. USING AI IN TRADE UNION STANDARDISATION:
Objective: Explore AI tools to assist in research and data analysis for trade union standardisation.
10:30 - 11:00 Break (30 mins) Break (30 mins) Break (30 mins) Break (30 mins)
11:00 - 12:30 NEEDS ANALYSIS: Objective**:** Identify and assess participants' specific learning goals and gaps to tailor content and activities that address their professional needs. FORMAL WRITING: UNION COMMUNICATION
Objective: Learn to craft formal communication for internal and external audiences, such as letters, memos, and emails. ROLEPLAY: NEGOTIATION SKILLS (2): Objective: Participants develop their persuasive techniques and mediation skills in mock scenarios. USING AI IN TRADE UNION STANDARDISATION (2):
Objective: Learn how AI can support document drafting, error checking, and predictive analysis.
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break (1.5 hr) Lunch Break (1.5 hr) Lunch Break (1.5 hr) Lunch Break (1.5 hr)
Objective: Develop the ability to analyse and comprehend complex texts related to EU labour laws and policies, while acquiring and applying relevant vocabulary in the context of trade union communication DIGITAL TOOLS FOR COLLABORATION AND PLANNING:
Participants will learn how to effectively use Miro’s tools to facilitate and organize productive meetings. DRAFTING PROPOSALS FOR UNION POLICIES: Objective: Participants practice drafting comprehensive proposals for new union policies, focusing on structure and language. PRESENTATIONS: AI APPLICATIONS Objective: Participants present on how AI can improve standardisation efforts and preparing presentations, with feedback and discussion.
15:30 - 16:00 Break (30 mins) Break (30 mins) Break (30 mins) Break (30 mins)
16:00 - 17:30 GROUP DISCUSSION: CHALLENGES IN STANDARDISATION: Objective: Group discussion on the common challenges trade unions face in standardising practices and how they can be addressed. DIGITAL TOOLS FOR COLLABORATION AND PLANNING(2): Participants will gain skills in utilizing Miro for project planning and brainstorming, including creating and managing collaborative boards. ROLEPLAY: CONFLICT RESOLUTION IN UNION NEGOTIATIONS: Objective: Apply conflict resolution skills in union standardisation disputes, focusing on language and tone. CLOSING SESSION: COURSE FEEDBACK AND FUTURE AI INTEGRATION Objective: Review the week’s learnings, provide feedback, and discuss future integration of AI tools in trade union processes.

Kyle Atkins


Students must have a B1+ level of English proficiency to participate in this course. The course will be tailored to meet participants' specific needs, which will be identified through a Needs Analysis conducted on the first day. Based on the analysis, the course will focus on one or more key areas, including Formal English, AI integration and tools, and/or Speaking Practice to ensure a personalised and effective learning experience.

If you have the possibility to bring a laptop or tablet with you, it would be helpful for certain activities, especially those involving AI tools and digital resources.

Time Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Objective: Get to know participants, introduce the course goals, and encourage professional networking. FORMAL WRITING Objective: Focus on drafting clear, formal documents for standardisation purposes (reports, proposals). NEGOTIATION SKILLS (1):
Objective: Participants practice negotiation scenarios common in trade union discussions. ✅ USING AI IN TRADE UNION STANDARDISATION:
Objective: Explore AI tools to assist in research and data analysis for trade union standardisation.
10:30 - 11:00 Break (30 mins) Break (30 mins) Break (30 mins) Break (30 mins)
11:00 - 12:30 NEEDS ANALYSIS: Objective**:** Identify and assess participants' specific learning goals and gaps to tailor content and activities that address their professional needs. FORMAL WRITING: UNION COMMUNICATION
Objective: Learn to craft formal communication for internal and external audiences, such as letters, memos, and emails. ROLEPLAY: NEGOTIATION SKILLS (2): Objective: Participants develop their persuasive techniques and mediation skills in mock scenarios. ✅ USING AI IN TRADE UNION STANDARDISATION (2):
Objective: Learn how AI can support document drafting, error checking, and predictive analysis.
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break (1.5 hr) Lunch Break (1.5 hr) Lunch Break (1.5 hr) Lunch Break (1.5 hr)
Objective: Develop the ability to analyse and comprehend complex texts related to EU labour laws and policies, while acquiring and applying relevant vocabulary in the context of trade union communication

standardisation vocabulary DOCUMENTS? | DIGITAL TOOLS FOR COLLABORATION AND PLANNING: Participants will learn how to effectively use Miro’s tools to facilitate and organise productive meetings. | DRAFTING PROPOSALS FOR UNION POLICIES: (standardisation) Objective: Participants practice drafting comprehensive proposals for new union policies, focusing on structure and language. | PRESENTATIONS: AI APPLICATIONS Objective: Participants present on how AI can improve standardisation efforts and preparing presentations, with feedback and discussion. | | 15:30 - 16:00 | Break (30 mins) | Break (30 mins) | Break (30 mins) | Break (30 mins) | | 16:00 - 17:30 | GROUP DISCUSSION: CHALLENGES IN STANDARDISATION: Objective: Group discussion on the common challenges trade unions face in standardising practices and how they can be addressed. ✅ | DIGITAL TOOLS FOR COLLABORATION AND PLANNING(2): Participants will gain skills in utilizing Miro for project planning and brainstorming, including creating and managing collaborative boards. | ROLEPLAY: CONFLICT RESOLUTION IN UNION NEGOTIATIONS: Objective: Apply conflict resolution skills in union standardisation disputes, focusing on language and tone. | CLOSING SESSION: COURSE FEEDBACK AND FUTURE AI INTEGRATION Objective: Review the week’s learnings, provide feedback, and discuss future integration of AI tools in trade union processes. |

Political issues & vocab

Tone down the level

writing standard - process approach / product approach

template for feedback for standardisation - Eu (CEN) vs international ( ISO )

comments and meetings